Faith Bible School

"Eye Opening"

"There are so many more ways to learn from and study the Bible than what I have been doing and although I was aware of the milk and the meat of the Word, I realized that after some 18+ years of consistently being in the Word that I have really only been sipping on the milk of the Word."


"I would highly recommend this course!"

"I would highly recommend this course to everyone! Even if they do not receive the same revelation I did, there was so much information covered in the class that I believe everyone will find something that will help them in their Christian walk." BP


"Huge revelation!"

"I found it especially interesting with studying the parable highlighted in my Bible some 18 years ago Matthew 13:22, that I could identify with having the Word choked out by thorns and when I thought about where I am today; I found myself identifying with the same and coming to the realization that I have not really been growing in the Word. Biggest revelation for me was how much I really lacked in application!" BP